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From the Chef
Vasilis Leonidou

Sardines in salt with sour grape and cherry tomatoes sauté in extra virgin olive oil of Adramitini variety

Recipe Vasilis Leonidou Sardines in salt extra virgin olive oil

Ingredients for 1-2 pax

  • 12 sardines cleaned from their middle bone

  • 200 gr stamnagathi * (or any other wild green leaves)

  • 2 small tomatoes

  • 6 mixed cherry tomatoes (black, yellow and red)

  • ½ finely chopped onion

  • 1 finely chopped garlic clove

  • 4 natural black olives in brine (Makris variety)

  • 6 natural black pressed olives (Makris variety)

  • 1 large slice of sourdough bread (or 2 medium slices)

  • Fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme, oregano or summer savory)

  • 1 tspn caper

  • 6-8 tspn mixture of sour grape and white vinegar

  • ½ glass of white wine

  • Lemon zest

  • 8-10 tbsp extra virgin olive oil of Adramytini & Kolovi variety

  • Semi-coarse salt, pepper

* stamnagathi = wild Cretan green leaves (use any wild bitter green leaves)


Start with a large long narrow slice of bread, cut it into sticks and then into cubes, creating croutons and place them in a non-stick pan, sprinkling with olive oil and coarse salt and bake for about 15’ at 160-180o C to get them crisp.

Open the cleaned sardines in the middle and place them on a plate on the side of the skin, add semi-coarse salt and the mixture of sour grape and white vinegar, leaving them to rest for 10’. Wash and clean well the stamnagathi*, place it in boiling salted water for a few minutes only in order to keep it crisp and when removing it, add olive oil while it is still steaming. For the sauce, lightly sauté in medium heat the garlic and onion in a pan, add the tomatoes cut into smaller pieces, the cherry tomatoes cut in half, and the white wine. While allowing the sauce to absorb some of the liquid, as we just want to soften the tomatoes, rinse the sardines from the salt and the mixture of sour grape and white vinegar. Then add the olives and caper to the sauce and finish with the pepper. Set up the dish by placing the stamnagathi* at the base adding lemon zest to it and continue with the sauce and the sardines.

Finish with the fresh herbs, the croutons you just cooked and sprinkle with extra virgin olive oil.

Cooking time: 40’

Products Suitable for this recipe:

Sardines in salt with sour grape and cherry tomatoes sauté in extra virgin olive oil of Adramitini variety

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